CC's Customer

Monday, March 7


This is special thanks dedication to person below (based on current issues and highlights in my day, so 

no big deal to others ok ^.^ pictures are included, sorry  my dear publish  gmbr korg lak...)

1) Ms. Adibah Ruzaini
For your Neo that drive us together to have some dinner almost everyday, spending time together & everything. Most of my time was spend with you instead of our practical hours and personal things. <3

2) Ms. Nurul Hidayah
The one who fetch me go to work and send me back every weekdays, working together as trainee at that company, allowing me to stay at your small rental house during holidays. Around 9-10hours per day was spend with you girl. Do take care of your health dear friend :)

3) Ms. Raden Amirah
Being the one by my side. You know me quite well even we are mean to be together as roomate for only one semester but you really a good friend of mine. Glad to know you! My best girlfriend ever that I can date on theatres for movie whenever we are fine with it. Really appreciate your cares & help my dear <3

4) Mr. & Ms. of Siblings
Glad to know all of you guys & girls. Really feel the bonding between us. Finally, I get to feel the relationship as sibling having brothers & sisters everything. Thanx for listening my stupid & clumsy story (for certain people only). Love you all =)

5) Mr. Chipsmore, Mr. Kecik & Adek Secret
You guys give me some strength to keep move on with this life, your advice, your sense of humour, your care & what else that hard for me to explain in detail. Thank you for being a good friend to me even we are not 24/7 to be keep in touch all night long.

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