CC's Customer

Thursday, February 9

A Note For . . .

Dear YOU,

No matter where you are, where you go without living any sign for me to track you down to know how you have been. Sometimes I feel lost in the dark, searching the missing pieces of me everywhere in the dark without a single light even from a small shining star. But in that darkness and clueless, I don't know why I can still see you there and confidently know you were there. My instinct drive me away to get up, to move on with this endless life. Little by little I walked through the days with brave without loosing my breath and keeping my faith. Never mind if you leave me here clueless because I will still wait for you there on the day where we will win for this battle. Because some where in the middle, my heart simply tell me you are the one, no matter how strong I refuse to admit it. 
When your instinct tell you the thing, then listen to your heart.

From ME.

Wednesday, February 1

LoVe ScEnE tRaGeDy [Part 11]

<<SCENE 15>>

4 bulan yang lalu....

Girl: apa hal nak jumpa aku tiba-tiba? Mendung tak, angin tak, ribut taufan tak, tsunami pun tak...
Boy: Aku nak minta tolong kau ni....please, antara hidup dan mati aku ni weh...!
Girl: Tolong apa? Kau ni tak habis-habis laa...hidup penuh dengan masalah. <kening bercantum, dahi berkedut, mendengus>
Boy: Alorr...please..! Kali ni je aku minta tolong. Okay2...I promise, this will be the last.
Girl: Yelaa..tapi apa dia? Kau ni tak pernah nak menjawab ikut kehendak soalan laa....aku kan tanya, tolong apa?
Boy: Errr....kira kau nak tolong aku laa ni kann? kann....? <muka separa gembira>
Girl: Haishhh..aku tampar juga mamat sengal ni kang....cepat laa cakap, apa dia..????!!
Boy: Hehehee..kau ni makin marah, garang-garang macam ni lagi cantik laa....
Girl: <gaya tangan nak menampar dah...muka tak payah cakap laa dah merah berapi, wap-wap kemarahan mula meluap> kau nak cakap ke tak sekarang?
Boy: Ehhh...sabar..sabar..sabar....<tangan Girl ditarik pantas, diturunkan ke bawah> Okay, macam ni sebenarnya, aku nak minta tolong kau ....................

3 bulan 3 minggu yang lalu....